Mario gets introduced to Kitimat Steelhead with guide Gordon Mckean |
Kitimat river Chinook are running hard we are seeing good numbers in the lower & mid river please feel free to contact us to reserve a seat on the boat at 1-866-578- 8552 1-250-638-0021 we still have some open spots. The Skeena river continues to rise we will look forward to guiding this magic river mid to late July for the largest of all the salmon Monster Chinook, we will also be taking groups out to the Cranberry & Kiteen rivers from Mid June to July 30. On another note we are happy to show you our latest production with The New Fly fisher TV program please see attached link see it on U Tube
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iBkpROcQCU More new stuff in our company the
Westcoast Fishing Adventures web site is being redone we are looking forward to the new look making it more user friendly. Photos attached are just a few high lights from our spring
steelhead camp on the lower Nass River if this trip interests you please do not hesitate to call with any questions.
Repeat guest Craig Freas with one of his many catches spring steelhead 2012 |
Our Grand slam season will start in August where you can expect to catch all 5 of the pacific salmon with summer run steelhead on the same day while fly fishing the skeena river in Terrace BC.
Skeena river beauty 2012 |
Steelhead guides photo of Chris & Craig with another Kitimat cromer |
Tight lines to all from the crew at Westcoast Fishing Adventures.
Gill Mckean Ph 1-250-638-0021 to reserve your spot.